Jules Verne Routes

journeys to the centre of the north




Jules Verne at Kiel
from 15th June to 29th June 2014


Exhibitions, lectures, etc.
For this reason, the replica of the yacht of Jules Verne, the "Saint Michel II" was sailing from Nantes to Kiel. The yacht was towed at the Tiessenkai on 14th june and the crew participated in the events of "Jules Verne in Kiel".


Learn more about the program and the backgrounds on the site


Text in german language
Professor Lidenbrock is watching the Saint Michel II

Preliminary program of the event:



Jules Verne at Kiel

from June 15th to June 29th 2014


Exhibitions, lectures, etc.


For reason of the Jules Verne event, the replica of the yacht of Jules Verne, the "Saint Michel II", will be sailing from Nantes to Kiel. The yacht will be towed at the Tiessenkai on 14th june and the crew will participate in the events of "Jules Verne in Kiel".


Learn more about the program and the backgrounds on the site 

Jules Verne in Kiel


(text in german language only, sorry)




Opening sessions:



At 11:00 a.m. on June 15th the openig of an exhibition "Jules Verne in Kiel und auf dem Eiderkanal 1861 und 1881" ( Jules Verne at Kiel and on the Eider-Canal1861 and 1881) will take place at the Maschinenmuseum Kiel-Wik.

Certainly a highlight will be the speech of Bernard Sinoquet (Amiens) on „Jules Verne as a voyager“. This aspect of the life of Jules Verne is almost unknown even in France.

The speech will be given in german language.



At 14.30 p.m. on June 15th will be the opening of our second exhibition "Die Yachten von Jules Verne" (The yachts of Jules Verne) at the Zentrum klassischer Yachtsport Tiessenkai/Kanalstraße.

The highlight here will be a speech given on the yachts Saint Michel I, II and III by Philippe Valetoux (Le Havre) on the theme “Yachts of JV” of the exhibition. M. Valetoux is a pilot and wellknown expert.

His speech will be given in english, but Bernhard Krauth (chairman of the Jules Verne Club Germany) will help with a translation into german.


Another highlight of the event „Jules Verne at Kiel“ will be the participation of the boat and crew of the Saint Michel III . The replica of the yacht of Jules Verne will head from Nantes to Kiel via Wilhelmshaven. The arrival at the Tiessenkai in Kiel-Holtenau will be June 14 th in the afternoon.





Bernhard Krauth (Jules Verne Club Germany) would be glad to see you at a meeting of the vernians on the eve of the official Jules Verne event.


Time and place:

evening of June 14th  

at Maschinenmuseum Kiel-Wik

Am Kiel-Kanal 44

24106 Kiel

( http://www.maschinenmuseum-kiel-wik.de/ )


For more information ask Bernhard, please. Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

He is proposing that the vernians meet at the Tiessenkai at the place of the “Saint Michel II” and than walk over to the Maschinenmuseum.




Since the famous sailing event „Kieler Woche“ starts a week later, you should book a room in time. We recommend




More information about this website:

This site is dedicated to the journeys of Jules Verne to northern germany and to scandinavia in 1861 and 1881.

Based on notes of Jules Verne himself we are going to reconstruct and describe the routes and places of the two journeys. 

We start here with two contributions in german language:

Jules Verne.Sommer 1861. Als Jules Verne nach Kiel kam.


Jules Verne´s  Reise zum Mittelpunkt des Nordens 1881

Zur Reise von Jules Verne 1881 an Bord der Dampfyacht Saint Michel III gibt es jetzt Fotostrecken der Jule-Verne Route auf der Eider und dem Eiderkanal :

Vom mare balticum zum Ozean. Auf der Eider und dem Eiderkanal.


New chapter JV in Scandinavia 1861: 

Jules Verne: Hamburg in vierundzwanzig Stunden

In Kiel (Germany) we try to establish a Maritime Quarter in the region around the locks of the Kiel -Canal ( illustrated map). Here in 1881 Jules Verne passed the lock of the former Eidercanal on his way from Boulogne to Copenhagen on bord of his steamyacht St. Michel III. He also had a stay at the Kiel Fiord in 1881 and 1861 as well.



See also the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten:

Auf den Spuren des fantastischen Jules Verne (by Annermarie Heckmann, November 2nd, 2012).


Also pay attention please to a very good informed paper of the Danish Jules Verne Society about the 1861 journey and the voyage in 1881 as well:

Jules Verne in Copenhagen

see also the special              Jules Verne in Copenhagen 1861


In 1861 Jules Verne travelled to Norway, too. Per Johan Moe followed his steps from Oslo to Dale at the Rjukanfoss. Here is a link to his interesting page:

Jules Verne´s travel diary from Norway


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